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WildLife Decor Taxidermy & Pet Preservation

Welcome to my World of Taxidermy

Mounting all North American Mammals, Domestic's, Pet's, African and Exotics and Fish.
Lifesize or Shoulder Mounts. Superior Alive like Quality at Affordable Prices Always. Specializing in Wolves, Coyotes and Cats.
Out of State Work Welcome, Experienced Shipper of Large mounts. Excellent References.

Taxidermy has been my passion ever since I was alittle girl. I grew up on a  Farm and had the usual pets, dogs, cats, horses, cattle, goats, chickens/ducks and had learned responsible hunting at a young age and learned to love and respect wildlife and decided someday I would like to learn the art of preserving their life through taxidermy, well after getting my life settled I finally took the plunge now that my kids are getting older so now I have been doing taxidermy alittle over 7 years now and I am always striving to do my best with every mount I work on, Getting the "alive like look" every mount should be justified with, I want every one that see's the mount to know it is quality work. Pets are the hardest to skin mount and to capture the essence of that pet, I highly recommend skin mounting for all pets if possible. I pride myself in this part of the field. I believe freezedrying some types of small animals/pets is fine but I do not suggest freezedrying for larger animals/pets, over time you will not be happy with it's results. So I hope I will have the pleasure of completing a mount/trophy for you in the near future, take your time and browse my site, Any questions please contact me.



3600 Rusk Ave.
Richmond, VA 23234

Mrs. C. McGrath VA Lic. Taxidermist

Hours of Operation: All work is done at my licensed shop on my homes property which keeps costs down for me and the savings go to you. By Appointment Only. Call or email. Thank you.

Email me at wdecor@peoplepc.com